There is no regular seminar. All are invited to the “professorship lecture” of Milan Krtička at 15:00 (approximately). It should be available at
Meeting with students
The meeting with students takes place on Monday February 19 at 12.20 in the A945 room (big lecture room on the 9th floor). All interested ones in the study of the Particle and Nuclear Physics program are kindly invited. Information in English will be given individually, the meeting is planned in Czech.
The first (not necessarily final) version of time-tables is available at
⚠ IMPORTANT: e-mail migration
Please note, that the current e-mail server ( is being discontinued by the end of February 2024. After this date, emails addressed to the old mailbox will be forwarded, but you can no longer access the old mailbox. All university employees have access to the central mail server ( which can (should) be used as a replacement. If you wish to transfer your old e-mails from the old mailbox ( to the new one (, please follow the instructions from this page.
Topological connections of non-abelian theories, doc. Mgr. Šimon Kos, Ph.D. (University of West Bohemia), half an hour Friday Coffee Club seminar, seminar room A 945, Friday November 10th, 13:30
The usual approach to instantons via the homotopy classification of the gauge-potential configurations actually points to the non-trivial topology of the underlying geometrical object, namely the twisted principal or associated vector fiber bundle. And since the twisted fiber bundle also manifests itself by various anomalies, it points to the non-trivial topology of yet another geometrical object, the fiber bundle over the gauge-potential moduli space, with the BRST operator and the FP ghosts given by the projection of the variational operator onto the fiber of gauge transformations. The reduction of this fiber bundle over the moduli space to 1+1 dimension, in which the remaining moduli space dimension is the one used in Poincare lemma in the specific form of the Cartan homotopy operator giving the Chern-Simons form of the appropriate Chern character and the second dimension (coming from fiber dimensions) is compactified to a loop, gives the construction of the non-abelian anomaly from the abelian one at 2 dimensions higher and from the spectral flow at the dimension in between. The whole bundle over the moduli space without restriction or compactification of its infinitely many functional-space directions might have (speculation) further topological features.
Does antimatter fall or is there antigravity? Dr. Olivier Rousselle (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France), half an hour Friday Coffee Club seminar, seminar room A 945, Friday October 20th, 13:30
The aim of the presentation is to provide an overview of the various experiments devoted to antimatter and its gravitational interaction at CERN laboratories (and in particular the GBAR experiment) and their latest results.
Structured optical beams, Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šulc, Ph. D. (department of Physics, FSHE, TUL), half an hour Friday Coffee Club seminar, seminar room A 945, Friday November 3rd, 13:30
Known forms of structured beams, vector and vortex beams. A new way of generating infinite beams with minimal divergence 2 orders of magnitude below the diffraction limit. Their use for the generation of a light line to which the new FCC magnets at CERN can be aligned with a very high precision, unattainable by previous methods. General distribution of 3D polarization in beams and the use of the longitudinal electric component of the wave’s electromagnetic field to accelerate charged particles in vacuum.
Easy Tracker – a tool for fast simulation of accelerator optics and related analysis – Dr. Tom Sýkora (IPNP, FMF CUNI), half an hour Friday Coffee Club seminar, room A 945, Friday October 13th, 13:30
The Easy Tracker tool was created some years ago to visualize paths of particles in an accelerator in x and y projections. The program uses as the input the accelerator optics files (TWISS files) and allows modifications of various magnetic elements in real time to study their impacts on particle trajectories and detector acceptances. In 2021, the program was further expanded as part of a successful student project at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University UK. This upgrade covered production of histograms of interesting quantities at any location (plane) of an accelerator (e.g., distribution of coordinates, momentum and energy of particles, their filtering, acceptance calculation). Another improvement/upgrade of the software was made during last summer as a part of the project within CERN summer student programme 2023. The informal seminar will be devoted to the explanation of the software, its use, its current limits, and plans for other upgrades.
Meeting with students
The meeting with students takes place on Monday October 2 at 12.20 in the A945 room (big lecture room on the 9th floor). All interested ones in the study of the Particle and Nuclear Physics branch are kindly invited. The meeting will be held in Czech a meeting with a non-Czech speaking students will be organized separately.
The lecture “Fyzika elementárních částic” (NJSF105) will start after the meeting, likely at about 1 PM.
The first (not necessarily final) version of time-tables is available at