
Editace katalogu (chráněno heslem)

AutorNázevNakladatelské údaje
Duck, Ian100 years of Plank's quantumSingapore: World Scientific, 2000
100 years of subatomic physicsSingapore: World Scientific, c2013
Nagoya Spring School on Dynamical Symmetry Breaking (Nagoya, Japonsko, 1991)1991 Nagoya Spring School on Dynamical Symmetry Breaking, April 23-27, 1991, Nagoya, JapanSingapore: World Scientific, c1992
Gnädig, Péter200 puzzling physics problemsCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics. Inaugural Conference (University of Michigan, USA, 2001)New Jersey: World Scientific, c2002
Lee, Shyh-YuanAccelerator physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 1999
An advanced course in computational nuclear physicsCham: Springer International Publishing, 2017
Schwabl, FranzAdvanced quantum mechanicsBerlin: Springer, 1999
Dyson, Freeman J.Advanced quantum mechanicsHackensack: World Scientific, c2007
Scadron, Michael D.Advanced quantum theory and its applications through Feynman diagramsNew York: Springer, c1979
Shifman, Mikhail A.Advanced topics in quantum field theoryCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012
Vallée, OlivierAiry functions and applications to physicsNew Jersey: World Scientific, c2004
Lefschetz, SolomonAlgebraic geometryPrinceton: Princeton University Press, 1953
Piguet, OlivierAlgebraic renormalizationBerlin: Springer, 1995
Adler, Stephen L.Algebry tokov i ich primenenije v fizike časticMoskva: Mir, 1970
Taylor, John R.An introduction to error analysisSausalito: University Science Books, c1997
Taylor, John R.An introduction to error analysisSausalito: University Science Books, c1997
The analytic S-matrixCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966
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Bertlmann, Reinhold A.Anomalies in quantum field theoryOxford: Oxford University Press: Claredon Press, c2000
Bertlmann, Reinhold A.Anomalies in quantum field theoryOxford: Oxford University Press: Claredon Press, c2000
Jegerlehner, FredThe anomalous magnetic moment of the muonBerlin: Springer, c2008
Jegerlehner, Friedrich autThe anomalous magnetic moment of the muonCham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2017
Fraser, GordonAntimatterCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Close, Frank. E.AntimatterOxford: Oxford University Press, c2009
Applications of noncovariant gauges in the algebraic renormalization procedureSingapore: World Scientific, 1998
Field, Richard D.Applications of perturbative QCDReading: Dover Publications, 1989
Smirnov, Vladimir A.Applied asymptotic expansions in momenta and massesBerlin: Springer, 2002
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Harrison, Walter A.Applied quantum mechanicsSingapore: World Scientific, 2000
Franklin, AllanAre there really neutrinosCambridge: Perseus Books, 2001
Arnold's problemsBerlin: Springer, c2004
Coleman, SidneyAspects of symmetryCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995
Coleman, SidneyAspects of symmetryCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995
Grupen, ClausAstroparticle physicsBerlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005
Kitchin, Christopher R.Astrophysical techniquesBoca Raton: CRC Press, c2009
At the frontier of particle physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 2001
At the frontier of particle physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 2001
At the frontier of particle physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 2001
At the frontier of particle physicsNew Jersey: World Scientific, c2002
Mughabghab, S. F.Atlas of neutron resonancesAmsterdam: Elsevier, 2006
Pullman, BernardThe atom in the history of the human thoughtOxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
Born, MaxAtomic physicsNew York: Dover Publications, 1989
Heyde, Kris L. G.Basic ideas and concepts in nuclear physicsBristol: IoP: Institute of physics publishing, 1994
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Dolgov, Aleksandr D.Basics of modern cosmologyGif-sur-Yvette: Editions Frontiers, 1990
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Mehra, JagdishThe beat of a different drumOxford: Clarendon Press, 1994
Sutherland, BillBeautiful modelsSingapore: World Scientific, 2004
Rees, Martin J.Before the beginningCambridge: Perseus Books, 1997
Klauder, John R.Beyond conventional quantizationCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Katz, Jonathan I.The biggest bangsOxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
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Pitajevskij, Lev P.Bose-Einstein condensationOxford: Clarendon Press, 2003
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Sagan, HansBoundary and eigenvalue problems in mathematical physicsNew York: Dover Publications, 1989
Jungk, RobertBrighter than a thousand sunsSan Diego: Harvest book, 1986
Nambu, YoichiroBroken symmetrySingapore: World Scientific, 1995
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Wigmans, RichardCalorimetryOxford: Clarendon Press, 2000
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Burgess, MarkClassical covariant fieldsCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002
Jackson, John D.Classical electrodynamicsNew York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999
Greiner, WalterClassical electrodynamicsNew York: Springer, c1998
Carmeli, MosheClassical fieldsRiver Edge: World Scientific, 2001
Goldstein, HerbertClassical mechanicsSan Francisco: Addison Wesley, 2002
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Corinaldesi, ErnestoClassical mechanics for physics graduate studentsSingapore: World Scientific, 1998
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Classical topology and quantum statesSingapore: World Scientific, 1991
Mehra, JagdishClimbing the mountainOxford: Oxford University Press, 2000
Altarelli, GuidoCollider physics within the standard modelCham: Springer, 2017
Kopalejšvili, Tejmuraz I.Collision theorySingapore: World Scientific, 1995
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Ahlfors, Lars V.Complex analysisAuckland: McGraw-Hill, 1979
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Christensen, KimComplexity and criticalityLondon: Imperial College Press, 2005
Wissmann, Frank autCompton scatteringBerlin: Springer, c2004
Computational nuclear physicsBerlin: Springer, c1991-1993
Computational nuclear physicsBerlin: Springer, c1991-1993
Kaempffer, F. A.Concepts in quantum mechanicsNew York: Academic Press, c1965
Gottfried, KurtConcepts of particle physicsOxford: Clarendon Press, 1986
Marshak, Robert E.Conceptual foundations of modern particle physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 1993
Marshak, Robert E.Conceptual foundations of modern particle physicsSingapore: World Scientific, 1993
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Duncan, AnthonyThe conceptual framework of quantum field theoryOxford: Oxford University Press, 2012
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Concise encyclopedia of supersymmetryDordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004
Concise encyclopedia of supersymmetryDordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004
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Harrison, EdwardCosmologyCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
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Milner, BryanCosmologyCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Rowan-Robinson, MichaelCosmologyOxford: Clarendon Press, 2004
Weinberg, StevenCosmologyOxford: Oxford University Press, c2008
Bergström, LarsCosmology and particle astrophysicsBerlin: Springer-Verlag ; Chichester: Praxis Publishing Ltd., 2006
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Nakanishi, NoboruCovariant operator formalism of gauge theories and quantum gravitySingapore: World Scientific, 1990
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Kleinert, HagenCritical properties of [fí]4-theoriesRiver Edge: World Scientific, 2001
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Data analysis in high energy physicsWeinheim: Wile-VCH Verlag, 2013
Data analysis in high energy physicsWeinheim: Wile-VCH Verlag, 2013
Bevington, Philip R.Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciencesBoston: McGraw-Hill, 2003
Crawford, Dorothy H.Deadly companionsOxford: Oxford University Press, c2007
Decoherence and the appearance of a classical world in quantum theoryBerlin: Springer, c2003
Schlosshauer, Maximilian A.Decoherence and the quantum-to-classical transitionBerlin: Springer, c2007
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Effective Lagrangians for the standard modelBerlin: Springer, 1997
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Kilian, WolfgangElectroweak symmetry breakingNew York: Springer, c2003
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Greene, BrianThe elegant UniverseNew York: Vintage Books, 1999
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Van Vliet, Carolyn M.Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanicsHackensack: World Scientific, 2008
Fritzsch, HaraldEscape from LeipzigHackensack: World Scientific, c2008
Powsner, Rachel A.Essential nuclear medicine physicsMalden: Blackwell Publishing, 2006
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