Alfredo Iorio's Research Page















I am a theoretical physicist working at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University of Prague as an Associate Professor in tenure track.


Expertise and Research Interests

Expertise: Theoretical and mathematical physics: vacuum structure of QFT, SUSY, NCFTs, Chern-Simons gravity. Referee for the American Physical Society: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D (fields and particles).

Research Interests: Application of the above to particle as well as condensed matter physics including the physics of living matter. As for the latter, in particular: virus structure, quantum mechanical effects, search for a general framework.

For a more detailed description that includes a comprehensive list of works see the habilitation to tenure.


I teach [in English] the course Beyond Lorentz Invariance NJSF129, summer term. The title  will change next year to Advanced Concepts of Symmetry to emphasize the increased focus on topological objects in QFT and solid state physics.

These are drafty and incomplete lectures notes of two courses:  lecture notes of a course delivered from 2005 till 2008 (used from 2007 for NJSF129) and more lecture notes of a course delivered from 2001 till 2003.



Here some talks on the biological frontier of physics: my view on Schroedinger's view on the physics of life, my research on quantum field theoretical effects in DNA physics(part I and part II), my research on virus structure and the related Thomson problem.


Telegraphic Scientific Biography

Born in 1968 and grown-up in Irpinia, Italy. Undergraduate studies in physics in Salerno, Italy. Graduated in theoretical physics from Trinity College Dublin. Worked at Center for Theoretical Physics of MIT in Boston till 2005. Joined the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of  Charles University of Prague in 2006. Started the exploration of the biological frontiers of physics in 2007.



I  believe that innovation and broadening of education is of paramount importance. I am always been involved with activities in this area, like teaching talented students aged 7-12 in Ireland and like working on a project of mine for an innovative high school. Here a recent interview [in Italian] to a web-based magazine where I discuss some of these topics part I and part II, and a lecture [in Italian] on literature and science at the turn of the last century delivered via skype to a high school in Rome.





















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