Science is a wonderful thing if one doesn't have to earn one's living on it... [A.Einstein]
, 00:00:00
Michal Malinský
Associate professor at the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Charles University in Prague
V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Group web:
E-mail: malinsky
+420 - 22191 2438
+420 - 22191 2434
Research interests:
Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond
Particle physics aspects of modern cosmology
Collider and precision tests of the Standard Model
Renormalization and vacuum structure of quantum field theories
2010-2012: FP7 MC postdoc at the AHEP group, IFIC/University of Valencia, Spain
2008-2010: Postdoc at the Theoretical particle physics group, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
2006: UPAS at the CERN theory group, Geneva, Switzerland
2005-2008: PPARC postdoc at the SHEP group, University of Southampton, UK
2003-2005: Associate of the Instituto di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Trieste, Italy
2001-2005: Associate of the Centre for Particle Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
2002-2005: Doctoral student at SISSA/ISAS Trieste *)
1999-2005: Doctoral student at IPNP, Charles University in Prague
Selected projects:
Regular articles:
Leptogenesis in the minimal flipped SU(5) unification
with R. M. Fonseca da Sousa, V. Miřátský, M. Zdráhal
arXiv:2312.08357 [hep-ph], accepted in Phys.Rev.D, to appear soon.
Trouble with the minimal renormalizable SO(10) GUT
with K. Jarkovská and V. Susič
arXiv:2304.14227 [hep-ph], published as Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 5, 055003, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.055003.
Quantum nature of the minimal potentially realistic SO(10) Higgs model
with K. Jarkovská and V. Susič
arXiv:2109.06784 [hep-ph], published as Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 9, 095003, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.095003.
with A. Ekstedt and R.M. Fonseca da Sousa
arXiv:2009.03909 [hep-ph], published as Phys.Lett.B 816 (2021) 136212, DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136212.
Hierarchy and decoupling
with M. Hudec
arXiv:1902.04470 [hep-ph], published as J.Phys. G47 (2020) no.1, 015004, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6471/ab5138.
Collider phenomenology of a unified leptoquark model
with T. Faber, M. Hudec, H. Kolesova, Y. Liu, W. Porod and F. Staub
arXiv:1812.07592 [hep-ph], published as Phys.Rev. D101 (2020) no.9, 095024, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.095024.
A unified leptoquark model confronted with lepton non-universality in B-meson decays
with T. Faber, M. Hudec, P. Meinzinger, W. Porod and F. Staub
arXiv:1808.05511 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B787, 159 (2018). |
Witten's loop in the flipped SU(5) unification revisited
with D. Harries and M. Zdrahal
arXiv:1808.02339 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D98, 095015 (2018). |
Effects of ultra-light dark matter on the gravitational quantum well
with P. Castorina and A. Iorio
arXiv:1707.08612 [hep-ph], published as Int. J. Mod. Phys. D27 no.09, 18500980 (2018) . |
Flavour Structure of GUTs and Uncertainties in Proton Lifetime Estimates
with H. Kolešová
arXiv:1612.09178 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D 99, 035005 (2019). |
One-loop pseudo-Goldstone masses in the minimal SO(10) Higgs model
with L. Gráf, T. Mede and V. Susič
arXiv:1611.01021 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D95, 075007 (2017). |
Neutrino-axion-dilaton interconnection
with S. Bertolini, H. Kolešová, L. Di Luzio and J. C. Vasquez
arXiv:1510.03668 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D93, 015009 (2016).
Massive neutrinos and invisible axion minimally connected
with S. Bertolini, H. Kolešová and L. Di Luzio
arXiv:1412.7105 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D91, 055014 (2015).
Proton lifetime in the minimal SO(10) GUT and its implications for the LHC
with H. Kolešová,
arXiv:1409.4961 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D90, 115001 (2014)
LHC-scale left-right symmetry and unification
with C. Arbeláez Rodríguez, M. Hirsch and J.C.Romao,
arXiv:1311.3228 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D89, 035002 (2014).
Witten's mechanism in the flipped SU(5) unification
with C. Arbeláez Rodríguez and H. Kolešová,
arXiv1309.6743 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D89, 055003 (2014).
Renormalization group equations and matching in a general quantum field theory with kinetic mixing
with R. M. Fonseca and F. Staub,
arXiv1308.1674 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B726, 882 (2013).
Light colored octet scalars in the minimal SO(10) grand unification
with S. Bertolini, L. Di Luzio,
arXiv:1302.3401 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D87, 085020 (2013).
Fun with the abelian Higgs model
arXiv:1212.4660 [hep-ph], published as European Physical Journal C73, 2415 (2013).
Seesaw scale in the minimal renormalizable SO(10) grand unification
with S. Bertolini, L. Di Luzio,
arXiv:1202.0807 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D85, 095014 (2012).
Hefty MSSM-like light Higgs in extended gauge models
with M. Hirsch, W. Porod, L. Reichert and F. Staub,
arXiv:1110.3037 [hep-ph], published as Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 084 (2012).
Soft masses in SUSY SO(10) GUTs with low intermediate scales
with V. De Romeri and M. Hirsch,
arXiv:1107.3412 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D84, 053012 (2011).
Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
with R. M. Fonseca, W. Porod and F. Staub,
arXiv:1107.2670 [hep-ph], published as Nuclear Physics B854, 28 (2012).
Non-standard antineutrino interactions at Daya Bay
with R. Leitner, B. Roskovec and H. Zhang,
arXiv:1105.5580 [hep-ph], published as Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 001 (2011).
The minimal flipped SO(10) x U(1) supersymmetric Higgs model
with S. Bertolini and L. Di Luzio,
arXiv:1011.1821 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D83, 035002 (2011).
Flavour structure of supersymmetric SO(10) GUTs with extended matter sector
with M. Heinze,
arXiv:1008.4813 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D83, 035018 (2011).
Renormalization group running of neutrino parameters in the inverse seesaw model
with J. Bergstrom, T. Ohlsson and H. Zhang,
arXiv:1004.4628 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D81, 116006 (2010).
The vacuum of the minimal nonsupersymmetric SO(10) unification
with S. Bertolini and L. Di Luzio,
arXiv:0912.1796 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D81, 035015 (2010).
Quark mixing sum rules and the right unitarity triangle
with S. Antusch, S.F. King and M. Spinrath
arXiv:0910.5127 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D81, 033008 (2010).
Non-unitary neutrino mixing and CP violation in the minimal inverse seesaw model
with T. Ohlsson, Z.-z. Xing, H. Zhang,
arXiv:0905.2889 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B679, 242 (2009).
Intermediate mass scales in the non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification: a reappraisal
with S. Bertolini and L. Di Luzio,
arXiv:0903.4049 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D80, 015013 (2009).
Non-unitarity effects in a realistic low-scale seesaw model
with T. Ohlsson and H. Zhang,
arXiv:0903.1961 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D79(RC), 073009 (2009).
Non-standard Neutrino Interactions from a Triplet Seesaw Model
with T. Ohlsson and H. Zhang,
arXiv:0811.3346 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D79, 011301 (2009).
Perturbative Estimates of Lepton Mixing Angles in Unified Models
with S. Antusch and S.F. King,
arXiv:0810.3863 [hep-ph], published as Nuclear Physics B820, 32 (2009).
Solving the SUSY Flavour and CP Problems with Non-Abelian Family Symmetry and Supergravity
with S. Antusch, S.F. King and G.G. Ross,
arXiv:0807.5047 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B670, 383-389 (2009).
Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal renormalizable SUSY SO(10)
arXiv:0807.0591 [hep-ph], unpublished.
Flavon inflation
with S. Antusch, S.F. King, L. Velasco-Sevilla, I. Zavala,
arXiv:0805.0325 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B666, 176-180 (2008).
Third Family Corrections to Quark and Lepton Mixing in SUSY Models with non-Abelian Family Symmetry
with S. Antusch, S.F. King,
arXiv:0712.3759 [hep-ph], published as Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 066 (2008).
Third Family Corrections to Tri-bimaximal Lepton Mixing and a New Sum Rule
with S. Antusch, S.F. King,
arXiv:0711.4727 [hep-ph], published as Physics Letters B671, 263-266 (2009).
Quark and lepton masses and mixing in SO(10) with a GUT-scale vector matter
arXiv:0710.0581 [hep-ph], published as Physical Review D77, 055016 (2008).
Solving the SUSY Flavour and CP Problems with SU(3) Family Symmetry
with S. Antusch, S.F. King,
arXiv:0708.1282 [hep-ph], published as Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 068 (2008).
A(4) Family Symmetry and Quark-Lepton Unification
with S.F. King,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0610250], published as Physics Letters B645, 351 (2007).
Towards a Complete Theory of Fermion Masses and Mixings with SO(3) Symmetry and 5-D SO(10) Unification,
with S.F. King,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0608021], published as Journal of High Energy Physics 11, 071 (2006).
Thermal leptogenesis in extended supersymmetric seesaw,
with M. Hirsch, J.C. Romao, U. Sarkar, J.W.F. Valle,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0608006], published as Physical Review D75(RC), 011701 (2007).
Fermion masses and mixings in SO(10) models and the neutrino challenge to SUSY GUTs,
with S. Bertolini, T. Schwetz
[arXiv:hep-ph/0605006], published as Physical Review D73, 115012 (2006).
Novel Supersymmetric SO(10) Seesaw Mechanism
with J. Romao, J.F.Valle,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0506296], published as Physical Review Letters 95, 161801 (2005).
On CP Violation in Minimal Renormalizable SUSY SO(10) and Beyond,
with S. Bertolini,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0504241], published as Physical Review D72, 055021 (2005).
Possible non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons in e+ e- to W+W- in
with J. Horejsi,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0409320], published as Eur.Phys.J.C40, 137-144 (2005).
Fermion masses in SUSY SO(10) with type II seesaw: a non-minimal predictive scenario ,
with S. Bertolini, M. Frigerio,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0406117], published as Physical Review D70, 095002 (2004).
Triple gauge vertices at one-loop level in THDM ,
with J. Horejsi,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0308247], published as Eur.Phys.J.C34, 477-486 (2004).
Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Particles in Two Higgs Doublet Model,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0207066], published as Acta Phys.Slov. 52, 259-264 (2002).
MSSM Higgs Sector at the One-Loop Level,
[arXiv:hep-ph/0005087], published as Czech.J.Phys. 50, 989-1004 (2000).
Experimental collaboration papers:
Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande,
The Hyper-Kamiokande Collaboration (K. Abe at al.)
arXiv:2101.05269 [astro-ph.IM], published as Astrophys.J. 916 (2021) 1, 15. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abf7c4
The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment -- Snowmass LOI,
The Hyper-Kamiokande Collaboration (K. Abe at al.)
arXiv:2009.00794 [physics.ins-det].
Reviews and "white papers":
Searches for Baryon Number Violation in Neutrino Experiments: A White Paper,
with P.S.B. Dev, L.W. Koerner, S. Saad, S. Antusch, M. Askins, K.S. Babu, J.L. Barrow, J. Chakrabortty, A. de Gouvea, Z. Djurcic, S. Girmohanta, I. Gogoladze, M.C. Goodman, A. Higuera, D. Kalra, G. Karagiorgi, E. Kearns, V.A. Kudryavtsev, T. Kutter, J.P. Ochoa-Ricoux, D.A. Martinez Caicedo, R.N. Mohapatra, P. Nath, S. Nussinov, V. Pec, A. Rafique, J. Rodriguez Rondon, R. Shrock, H.W. Sobel, T. Stokes, M. Strait, R. Svoboda, S. Syritsyn, V. Takhistov, Y.-T. Tsai, R.A. Wendell, Y.-L. Zhou,
arXiv:2203.08771 [hep-ex], published as Journal of Physics G 51 (2024) 3, 033001, DOI:10.1088/1361-6471/ad1658.
Supersymmetry beyond the NMSSM,
with Florian Staub, Mark D. Goodsell and Kai Schmidt-Hoberg
published as Advances in High Energy Physics, vol. 2015, Article ID 121508, DOI:10.1155/2015/121508.
Probing the Origin of Neutrino Mass at the CERN Large Hadron Collider,
with J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, B. Bajc, F. de Campos, O.J.P. Eboli, P.F. Perez, W. Grimus, Tao Han, M. Hirsch, L. Lavoura, M.B. Magro, R.N. Mohapatra, S. Morisi, B. Mukhopadhyaya, W. Porod, D. Restrepo, G. Senjanovic, J.C. Romao, J. Schechter and J.W.F. Valle,
chapter 9 of the review "The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider",
a "white paper" of the "BSM-LHC" (Pre-SUSY09) workshop, Boston, June 2-4, 2009,
arXiv:1001.2693 [hep-ph], published as Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 200-202, 185 (2010).
Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixing in SUSY Grand Unified Theories,
monography based on the SISSA/ISAS Ph.D. thesis,
ISBN 978-3-639-71619-1, published in 2014 by Scholars' Press,
available here.
Papers in conference proceedings:
The quantum nature of the "minimal" SO(10) GUT
in proceedings of the DISCRETE 2022 conference, Baden-Baden, Germany.
Published in Proceedings of Science DISCRETE2022 (2024) 045, DOI:10.22323/1.431.0045.
Lepton non-universality in B-decays in the minimal leptoquark gauge model
prepared for the proceedings of the FPCP2019 conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2019,
arXiv:1906.09174 [hep-ph], to be published in the Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive.
Theoretical uncertainties in proton lifetime estimates
prepared for the proceedings of the CETUP* 2015 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 2015,
arXiv:1510.05611 [hep-ph], to be published in AIP Conference Proceedings.
Minimal SO(10) grand unification at next-to-leading order
prepared for the proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP 2014, Valencia, Spain, July 2014,
arXiv:1410.7644 [hep-ph], to be published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements.
Witten's loop in the flipped SU(5) unification
prepared for the proceedings of the CETUP* 2013 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 2013,
arXiv:1310.0914 [hep-ph], to be published in AIP Conference Proceedings.
Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors R. M. Fonseca, M. Malinský, W. Porod, F. Staub,
published as Journal of Physics: Conference Series 447 (2013) 012034.
Structure and prospects of the simplest SO(10) GUTs
prepared for the proceedings of the CETUP* 2012 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 2012,
arXiv:1210.3789 [hep-ph], published as AIP Conference Proceedings 1534, 293 (2013).
Towards the New Minimal SO(10) Grand Unification
prepared for the proceedings of the GUT'2012 conference, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012,
arXiv:1205.5637 [hep-ph], published as AIP Conference Proceedings 1467, 37 (2012).
The quantum vacuum of the minimal SO(10) GUT,
prepared for the proceedings of the PASCOS'10 conference, Valencia, Spain, July 2010,
arXiv:1010.0338 [hep-ph], published as Journal of Physics: Conference Series 259 (2010) 012098.
Intermediate scales in non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theories,
prepared for the proceedings of the EPS HEP'09 conference, Krakow, Poland, August 2009,
arXiv:0909.2543 [hep-ph], published as Proceedings of Science, PoS(EPS-HEP 2009) 384.
Non-unitarity effects in the minimal inverse seesaw model,
prepared for the proceedings of the EPS HEP'09 conference, Krakow, Poland, August 2009,
arXiv:0909.1953 [hep-ph], published as Proceedings of Science, PoS(EPS-HEP 2009) 288.
Tackling the SUSY flavour & CP problem - SUGRA versus SU(3),
prepared for the proceedings of the SUSY'07 conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2007,
arXiv:0710.2430 [hep-ph]
Lepton Masses and Mixings in Next-to-minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT,
prepared for the proceedings of the PASCOS'04 conference, Boston, MA, August 16-22, 2004,
Some Aspects of Radiative Corrections and Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Bosons in THDM,
prepared for the proceedings of the 9th Adriatic Meeting (AM2003), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 4-14, 2003,
Popular reviews:
Nobel prize in physics 2015 - experimental confirmation of the effect of neutrino oscillations (in Czech) [pdf]
to be published in Cs.cas.fyz. NN (2016), |
Quantum instability of matter (in Czech),
published as Vesmír 94, vol. 1, p. 51 (2015),
Neutrino masses and mixing in simple extensions of the Standard Model (in Czech) [pdf]
published as Cs.cas.fyz. 59, 70 (2009), |
Habilitation thesis:
Radiative effects in gauge extensions of the Standard Model of particle interactions [pdf]
Thesis submitted for the associate professor degree at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, February 2020.
Doctoral thesis 1:
Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixing in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories*) [pdf]
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS), Trieste, Italy; September 2005.
*) Awarded the "2006 Votruba Prize"
Doctoral thesis 2:
Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Bosons in Two Higgs Doublet Extensions of the Standard Model [pdf]
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; July 2005.
Master thesis:
Higgs Particle Masses in Supersymmetric Models of Electroweak Interactions [pdf]
Thesis submitted for Ing (MSc) degree, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, June 1999.
Citation summary based on the SLAC SPIRES/Inspire HEP preprint database records, or a full list.
Conference talks:
Grand Unification approaching fifty - where do we stand?
Invited talk given at the conference "Theory and Experiment in High Energy Physics", Bratislava, Slovakia, July 28, 2023.
Leptogenesis in the flipped SU(5) a la Witten
Invited talk given at the conference "Particle Physics from Early Universe to Future Colliders", Portoroz, Slovenia, April 14, 2023.
The world according to Majorana
Invited talk given at the "TH-Mini-Conference:HosekFest", Prague, March 18, 2023.
Perturbativity aspects of the minimal SO(10) Higgs model
Invited talk given at the conference "Physics of the Flavourful Universe", Portoroz, Slovenia, September 23, 2021.
Perturbativity aspects of the minimal SO(10) Higgs model
Invited remote talk given at the "SUSY'21" conference, Shanghai, China, August 25, 2021.
Potentially realistic SO(10) GUTs and their phenomenology
Remote talk given at the "Octonions and the Standard Model" workshop, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, April 26, 2021.
Neutrino experiments (and a little bit of physics around)
Brief review talk given at the annual meeting of the Czech HEP community, Prague, January 15, 2021.
Proton decay searches AD 2020 (Hledani rozpadu protonu: AD 2020)
Talk given at the "Symposion to commemorate the 110th birthday of Prof. J. Votruba", Prague, December 13 2019.
What is leptonic CP violation good for?
Talk given at the "International colloquium on neutrino physics 2019", Prague, October 24, 2019.
Lepton non-universality in B-decays in the minimal leptoquark gauge model
Talk at the international conference "Flavour physics and CP-violation" (FPCP'19), Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2019.
CZ-SK BSM theory
Overview talk given at the "Czech & Slovak particle physics strategy meeting 2018", Charles University, Prague, September 14 2018.
Witten's loop in the flipped SU(5) unification revisited
Talk given at the "Pascos 2018" international conference, CWRU, Cleveland, Ohio, June 5, 2018.
Witten's loop in the flipped SU(5) unification revisited
Talk given at the "Planck 2018" international conference, Bonn, May 24, 2018.
Neutrinos in cosmology
Talk given at the "International colloquium on neutrino physics 2017", Prague, November 2, 2017.
Proton lifetime estimates in simple GUTs
Talk given at the BLV2017 conference, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, May 17, 2017.
Theoretical uncertainties in proton lifetime estimates
Talk given at the conference "New physics at the junction of flavor and collider phenomenology", Portoroz, Slovenia, April 21, 2017.
Neutrinos in minimal unifications
Talk given at the "Neutrinos from GUTs down to low energies" workshop, Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics, Garching, Germany, November 26, 2015.
Neutrinos and dark matter - massive neutrinos from the theory perspective
Talk given at the "Neutrino Colloquium 2015", Prague, Czech Republic, November 5, 2015.
Kaons in physics beyond the Standard Model
Invited talk given at the NA62 collaboration meeting, Prague, August 31, 2015.
Theoretical uncertainties in proton lifetime estimates
Talk given at the CETUP 2015 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 8 2015.
Particle physics at the dawn of the post-Higgs era - why should we keep struggling?
Invited talk given at the CZ-SK Atlas meeting, Olomouc, June 25, 2015.
Proton decay theory and predictions
Talk given at the "3rd European Hyper-K meeting" conference, CERN, April 28, 2015.
Higher order effects in the minimal SO(10) grand unification
Talk given at the conference "Particle physics from the Early Universe to high energy colloders", Portoroz, Slovenia, April 9, 2015.
Minimal SO(10) GUT at two loops
Talk given at the ICHEP 2014 conference, Valencia, Spain, July 4 2014.
Witten's loop in the flipped SU(5) unified theory
Talk given at the FLASY 2014 conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, June 21 2014.
Neutrino oscillation experiments - outlook
Overview talk given at the "Czech particle physics strategy meeting 2014", Vila Lanna, Prague, March 11 2014.
SU(5) a la Witten
Talk given at the CETUP 2013 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 19 2013.
Neutrinos and L (and B) violation
Talk given at the "International Colloquium Towards CP violation in neutrino Physics 2013", Prague, Czech Republic, May 24, 2013.
Too light color octet scalar from the minimal SO(10) GUT?
Talk given at the workshop "Probing the Standard Model and New Physics at Low and High Energies", Portoroz, Slovenia, April 15, 2013.
Light color octet scalar in the minimal SO(10) GUT
Talk given at the BLV 2013 meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, April 8, 2013.
Structure and prospects of the simplest SO(10) GUTs
Talk given at the CETUP 2012 workshop, Lead, South Dakota, USA, July 26 2012.
Low-energy imprints of extended gauge symmetries
Talk given at the Phenomenology 2012 (PHENO'12) symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, May 7-9, 2012.
Towards the minimal SO(10) GUT
Invited talk at the GUT2012 workshop on Grand unification, Kyoto, Japan, March 15 - 17, 2012.
Flavour aspects of GUTs
Talk given at the FLASY'11 international conference, Valencia, Spain, July 11 - July 14, 2011.
Renormalizable SUSY SO(10) breakdown without large representations?
Talk given at the Planck'11 international conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 30 - June 3, 2011.
Aspects of SO(10) unification with extended matter sector
Talk given on April 13, 2011 at the conference "The Role of Heavy Fermions in Fundamental Physics", Portoroz, Slovenia, April 10-14, 2011.
The vacuum of the minimal SO(10) GUT
Talk given at the PASCOS'10 conference, Valencia, Spain, July 23, 2010.
Intermediate scales in non-SUSY SO(10) GUTs - a reapprisal
Talk given at the EPS HEP'09 conference, Krakow, Poland, July 18 2009.
Non-unitary effects in the minimal inverse seesaw model
Talk given at the EPS HEP'09 conference, Krakow, Poland, July 17 2009.
Solving the SUSY Flavour and CP Problems with Non-Abelian Family Symmetry and Supergravity
Talk given at the UKBSM'08 meeting at the University of Sussex, Falmer, UK on September 23 2008.
Irreducible SUSY flavour and CP violation in SUGRA flavour models
Talk given at the PASCOS'08 conference at the 'Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics', Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on June 3 2008.
Naturally large atmospheric mixing in
SUSY SO(10) with vector matter
Talk given at the annual ENTApP meeting in Adamas, Milos Island, Greece on May 22 2008.
Kahler Corrections to Lepton Mixing and a New Sum Rule
Talk given at the UK Neutrino network meeting in Glasgow, May 9 2008.
Third Family Corrections to Tri-bimaximal Lepton Mixing and a New Sum Rule
Talk given at the NuMI meeting at Harisch-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, February 15 2008.
SUSY flavour & CP violation in SUGRA flavour models
Talk given at SUSY'07 conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 30, 2007.
Yukawa sector of SO(10) with vector matter multiplet
Invited talk given at 11th Workshop on GUTs, Trieste, Italy, July 24, 2007.
SUSY CP problem in flavour models with tri-bimaximal lepton mixing
Talk given at Planck'07 conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 13, 2007.
Irreducible flavour & CP violation in SUGRA models of flavour
Talk given at UKBSM'07 workshop, Liverpool, UK, March 29, 2007.
Tri-bimaximal lepton mixing in a PS model with A(4) flavour symmetry
Talk given at the "Neutrino Mass Measurements and their Implications 2007 (NUMMI'07)" meeting of the "European Network of Theoretical Astroparticle Physics (ENTApP)", Durham, UK, Jan 11, 2007.
A(4) Family Symmetry and Quark-Lepton Unification
Talk given at the "UK Neutrino network meeting", Oxford, UK, Nov 29, 2006.
Fermion masses and mixings in SO(10) models and the neutrino challenge to SUSY GUTs
Talk given at the International Conference PLANCK'06, Paris, France, June 1, 2006.
On CP Phases in Minimal Renormalizable SUSY SO(10) and Beyond
Talk given at the International Conference PLANCK'05, Trieste, Italy, May 26, 2005.
On flavour problem in SUSY SO(10)
Talk given at "Quest for Unification" network meeting 2004, CERN, December 6-8, 2004
Lepton Masses and Mixings in the Minimal Renormalizable Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT and Beyond
Talk given at 4th EuroGDR meeting 2004, Frascati, Italy, November 25-27, 2004
Lepton Masses and Mixings in Next-to-minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT
Talk given at International conference PASCOS'04
(Particles, Strings and Cosmology), Boston, August 16-22, 2004
Some Aspects of Radiative Corrections and Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Bosons in THDM
Talk given at International conference AM2003
(9th Adriatic Meeting), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 4-14, 2003,
Radiative Corrections and Nondecoupling Effects in THDM
Talk given at Czech-Taiwan Workshop, March 3, 2003,
Villa Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic
Radiative Corrections and Nondecoupling Effects in THDM
Talk given at Triangle Meeting, November 29, 2002, Vienna.
Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Particles in Two Higgs Doublet Model
Talk given at "Annual Miniconference of Center for Particle Physics", March 18, 2002, Prague, Czech
Nondecoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Particles in Two Higgs Doublet Model
Talk given at international conference "Renormalization group 2002", March 2002, Strba, Slovak
Some Aspects of Extended Models of Electroweak Interactions
Talk given during the "Week of doctoral students", June 12-17, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
Regular seminars:
Proton decay, grand unification and all that...
seminar given at the INPP, Technical University Dresden, Germany, January 31 2019.
Gravitational quantum well
journalclub seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, September 19, 2017.
Proton lifetime in minimal gauge unifications
seminar talk given at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria, December 1, 2015.
Proton decay, GUTs and all that...
seminar talk given at the Faculty of Physics, University of Wuerzburg, Germany, May 7, 2015.
Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond - part II
seminar talk given at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University in Prague, April 21, 2015.
Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond
seminar talk given at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University in Prague, March 17, 2015.
Prospects of neutrino oscillation physics
Brief review talk given at the annual meeting of the Czech HEP community, Vila Lanna, Prague, December 17, 2014.
40 years on a rollercoaster: status and prospects of the Grand unification paradigm
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, October 28, 2014.
Higgs boson in the mosaic of the quantum world
seminar talk given as "Necas seminar on continuum mechanics", Institute of Mathematics, Charles University in Prague, May 19, 2014.
Radiative corrections and extended gauge symmetries - towards accurate proton lifetime estimates
Seminar given at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, May 16, 2014.
Prospects of neutrino oscillation physics
Brief review talk given at the annual meeting of the Czech HEP community, Charles University, Prague, March 11, 2014.
Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond
Seminar given at the Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague, January 29, 2014.
Proton decay and B & L violation
Seminar given at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University in Prague, April 24, 2013.
Fun with the abelian Higgs model
Seminar given at the Institut fur Theoretische Teilchenphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, April 12, 2013.
On the naturalness in the abelian Higgs model
Seminar given at the Institute for Technical and Experimental Physics, Prague, February 2, 2013.
How much can we learn from Grand Unification?
Seminar given at the Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 15, 2012.
Low-energy imprints of Grand Unification
Special seminar given at the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University, May 3, 2012.
Grand Unification approaching forties
Seminar given at the Faculty of Physics, University of Wuerzburg, Germany, April 26, 2012.
Intermediate scales in SO(10) GUTs @ GUT'2012 in Kyoto
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, April 24, 2012.
The flavour of GUTs - what do neutrinos tell us?
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, November 23, 2010.
Grand Unification - a never-ending quest for minimality
Seminar given at IPNP FMP CUNI in Prague, Czech Republic, June 23, 2010.
35 years of Grand Unification - where do we stand?
Seminar given at MPI Heidelberg, Germany, November 30, 2009.
Intermediate scales in non-SUSY SO(10) grand unification - a reapprisal
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, July 10, 2009.
Neutrinos in Grand Unifications
Talk given at KTH particle theory group meeting at the Sodertuna Slott, Gnesta, Sweden, October 6 2008.
Third Family Corrections to Tri-bimaximal Lepton Mixing and a New Sum Rule
Seminar given at School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, April 24, 2008.
Horizontal Symmetries and Supersymmetry
Seminar given at Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University, Prague, April 9 2008.
Third Family Corrections to Tri-bimaximal Lepton Mixing and a New Sum Rule
Seminar given at SISSA, Trieste, Italy, March 19 2008.
Quark and lepton masses and mixings in unified models of particle interactions
Seminar given at KTH Stockholm, Sweden, January 11, 2008.
Supersymmetric models of flavour
Seminar given at School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, February 15, 2007.
Neutrino challenge to SUSY SO(10) GUTs - towards the bitter end of the minimal scenario
Seminar given in Saclay, France, June 6, 2006.
Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings in Grand Unifications
Seminar given at School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, December 15, 2005.
Minimally fintuned SUSY SO(10) GUT with low B-L scale - Reconciling Inverse Seesaw with SUSY SO(10) GUTs
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, November 28, 2005.
Inverse seesaw in SUSY SO(10) with low B-L scale
Seminar given at International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, July 11, 2005.
Lepton masses and mixings in minimal renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT and (a bit) beyond
Seminar given at IFIC, Valencia, Spain, February 11, 2005
Lepton masses and mixings in SO(10) GUTs
Seminar given at Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 24, 2005
Lepton masses and mixings in renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUTs
Seminar given at International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, February 7, 2005
Some aspects of grandunified models
Seminar given at Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, January 5, 2005
Lepton Masses and Mixings in the Minimal Renormalizable Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT
Lecture given at the summer school CESPP2004
(Central European School on Particle Physics), Prague, September 14-24, 2004
Soft masses in SUSY SO(10) GUTs with sliding intermediate scales
Poster at the 3rd Workshop on Lepton and Baryon Number Violation, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 21 - 24, 2011.
Non-unitary neutrino mixing and CP violation in the minimal inverse seesaw model
Poster at the Planck'09 conference, Padova, Italy, May 25-29 2009.
On the Role of 120-dimensional Higgs Representation in Renormalizable Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT
Poster at the international conference FPCP2004 (Flavour Physics and CP-Violation), Daegu, Korea, October 4-9, 2004
2016 Learned Society Under 40 Scientist Award, granted by The Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
2006 Votruba Prize awarded by the "Christian Doppler Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague" and "The Foundation for Support of Theoretical Physics of the Czech Republic".
Distinguished fellowships and grants:
2020 - 2022:
Grant agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR) "Standard grant" (project nr. 20-17490S)
New physics hints from the perspective of gauge extensions of the Standard Model
2017 - 2019:
Grant agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR) "Standard grant" (project nr. 17-04902S)
Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond
2014 - 2016:
"Neuron grant in physics" awarded by the Foundation for support of science and research Neuron (Fond na podporu vědy a výzkumu Neuron) of Mgr. Karel Janeček, Ph.D. MBA, sponsored by Ing. Dalibor Dědek. Media coverage: Neuron, iForum, iDnes.
2012 - 2016:
Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, 7th Framework Programme, LEAGUE, reference 303565, action FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG, with the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
2010 - 2012:
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development
, 7th Framework Programme, FLUENT, reference 253119, action FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IEF, with the AHEP group of IFIC (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular CSIC/UV), University of Valencia, Spain.
2009: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
with the Max Planck Institute for Physics (Werner Heisenberg Institute) in Munich, declined due to an MC IEF offer from FP7.
Other fellowships and research grants:
2016 - 2018:
e-COST "Connecting insights in fundamental physics" grant (OC-2015-1-19385), secondary proposer; first proposer: Andreas Weiler, DESY)
2015 - 2016:
DAAD/MSMT Project Based Personnel Exchange Programme grant for collaboration with the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, University in Wuerzburg, Germany.
2008 - 2010:
KTH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, School of Engineering Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Contract No. SII-56510.
2005 - 2008:
PPARC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, funded from the PPARC Rolling Grant No. PPA/G/S/2003/00096.
Graduate- and undergradualte-level University courses (ongoing):
Theoretical cosmology II [www] Lecture notes
Shared semestral course for the 5th year undergrads and graduate students, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, ongoing since autumn 2015.
Particle physics beyond Standard model II
Lecture notes
Regular semestral course for the 5th year undergrads and graduate students, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, ongoing since spring 2014.
Particle physics beyond Standard model I
[SIS] Lecture notes
Regular semestral course for the 4th/5th year undergrads and graduate students, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, ongoing since autumn 2013.
Graduate- and undergradualte-level University courses (past):
Theoretical cosmology I
Shared semestral course for the 5th year undergrads and graduate students, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, spring 2015.
Introduction to Grand Unified Theories [www]
Graduate-level trimestral course on GUTs, Istituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) of CSIC and the University of Valencia, April-May 2011.
Grand Unified Theories
KTH semestral graduate course on GUTs, course nr. FSI3350, School of Engineering Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, spring 2009.
Introduction to Supersymmetry
Trimestral graduate-level course on Grand unified theories, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, spring 2008.
Introduction to Grand Unification
Trimestral graduate-level course on Supersymmetry, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK, spring 2007.
Summer schools, intensive courses:
Massive neutrinos
Lecture given at the "IDPASC" school, Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 1, 2022.
Standard Model and Beyond
Course given at the "DKPI Summer School 2018" held in Hirschwang (Austria), 17 - 21 September 2018.
Introduction to Physics Beyond Standard Model
Graduate-level intensive course at the "2016 Theoretical Physics Workshop and Summer School" held in Svit (Slovakia), 11 - 18 September 2016.
Introduction to Grand Unifications and their phenomenology
Graduate-level intensive course in the framework of the "Central European Joint Programme of Doctoral Studies in Theoretical Physics (Particle Physics, Gravity and Cosmology)" held in, Prague, September 2011.
Organization of conferences:
28.8.2023 - 1.9.2023: TAUP 2023 in Vienna. Session convener.
6.7.2022 - 13.7.2022: ICHEP 2022 in Bologna. BSM physics track convener.
30.7.2020 - 5.8.2020: ICHEP 2020 in Prague. LOC member, BSM physics track convener.
10.9.2018 - 14.9.2018: Gravity @ Prague 2018, LOC member.
4.9.2017 - 8.9.2017: 29th Indian-Summer School of Physics - Topics in cosmology, main organizer.
5.6.2017 - 9.6.2017: Flavour Physics and CP violation (FPCP) 2018, LOC member.
Outreach activities (selected):
20.5.2022: "O budoucnosti hmoty (The future of matter)" - "Friday evening public lecture", Prague, Czech Republic.
1.12.2022: "Cesty ke sjednoceni interakci v mikrosvete (Unification of forces in the microcosmos)" - Philosophical problems of physics seminar, Prague.
9.1.2022: "Kde se vzala hmota? Tajemstvi Vesmiru a Casticova Fyzika (Where did the matter come from? The secrets of Universe and particle physics)" - "Brain we are" podcast, Prague, Czech Republic.
15.6.2021: "Magneticke momenty elementarnich castic - brana do sveta nove fyziky? (Magnetic moments of elementary particles - a gate to new physics?)" - Scitalks, Parallel Polis, Prague.
8.12.2020: "Prvni tri [a pul] minuty (First three [and a half] minutes)" - "Proseminar" outreach talk to the 3rd year students of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
10.12.2019: "Prvni tri [a pul] minuty (First three [and a half] minutes)" - "Proseminar" outreach talk to the 3rd year students of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
4.12.2019: "O původu a osudu hmoty (On the origin and fate of matter)" - public lecture at Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera, Prague, Czech Republic.
28.11.2019: "O původu hmoty (On the origin of matter)" - public lecture in the "Philosophy of Physics" series, School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
27.9.2019: "Jak dlouho můze existovat hmota? (How long will the matter last?)" - public lecture at the "Night of Science 2019", Prague, Czech Republic.
22.5.2019: "O původu hmoty (On the origin of matter)" - public lecture in the "Contemporary physics problems" series, School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
20.3.2019: "Nezachování baryonového čísla ve fyzice za Standardním modelem (Baryon number non-conservation in the beyond Standard Model physics)" - a public seminar at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University.
20.4.2018: "O původu hmoty z hlediska částicové fyziky (On the origin of matter from the particle physics perspective)" - "Friday evening public lecture", Prague, Czech Republic.
30.11.2017: "Velké sjednocení interakcí (Grand unification of particle interactions)" - popular lecture given at the observatory and planetarium in Brno, Czech Republic.
2.11.2017: "Částicová fyzika za hranicemi Standardního modelu mikrosvěta (Particle physics beyond the Standard model)" - popular lecture given at the observatory and planetarium in Brno, Czech Republic.
21.2.2017: "O původu hmoty (On the origin of matter)" - popular lecture during the 1st Learned Society 2017 meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.
6.12.2016: "Vznik vesmíru z hlediska částicové fyziky (The birth of the Universe from the particle physics perspective" - a "Science Café" public lecture" as a part of the CERN exhibition "Accelerating Science", České Budějovice.
29.11.2016: "Temná hmota (Dark matter)" - "Proseminar" outreach talk to the 3rd year students of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
3.11.2015: "Oscilace neutrin - Nobelova cena za fyziku 2015 (Neutrino oscillations - the 2015 Nobel prize)" - "Proseminar" outreach talk to the 3rd year students of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
30.10.2015: "Neutrina v částicové fyzice a kosmologii (Neutrinos in particle physics and cosmology)" - "Friday evening public lecture" in PEN club, Klementinum, Prague.
29.10.2015: "Neviditelný vesmír (The invisible Universe)" - public lecture in the "Philosophy of Physics" series, School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
21.10.2015: "Oscilace neutrin - Nobelova cena za fyziku 2015 (Neutrino oscillations - the 2015 Nobel prize)" - public lecture in the "Progress in physics" series, School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
15.7.2015: Meeting with the general public after the CETUP 2015 public lecture - Black Hills State University, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA.
26.11.2014: "Svět neutrin (The world of neutrinos)" - popular lecture given during the School of Mathematics and Physics/Charles University open day.
18.11.2014: "Dvě tváře Higgsova bosonu (The two facets of the Higgs boson)" - outreach talk to the 3rd year students of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
16.10.2014: "Neutrina - podivuhodná a neposlušná (Neutrinos - amazing and troublesome)" - popular lecture given at the observatory and planetarium in Brno, Czech Republic.
31.8.2014: "Svět neutrin (The world of neutrinos)" - lecture given during the summer "Astronomy expedition Upice 2014", observatory in Upice, Czech Republic.
19.3.2014: Pannel discussion on opportunities in mobility during the EURAXESS Road show, National Technical Library in Prague.
5.11.2013: "Neuron research grant" reception during the cermony of the Foundation for support of science and research Neuron (Fond na podporu vědy a výzkumu Neuron). Media coverage: Neuron, iForum, iDnes.
19.9.2013: Interview for the NFKJ foundation with Mr. Josef Matyáš (Lidové Noviny).
9.9.2013 - 13.9.2013: Coordination of the Intensive course "Topics in cosmology" by Antonio Riotto.
3.4.2013: Interview for the Radio channel 3 - Vltava on the AMS-2 positron excess with Mrs. Jana Olivová.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. [W.Churchill]