Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – Charles University
V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic
Office: A826 (8th floor)
Tel.: (+420) 95155 2473 / (+420) 22191 2473
E-mail: pavel.reznicek @ matfyz.cuni.cz
- PhD. in Physics at the Charles University, Prague (2012)
- Msc. in Physics at the Charles University, Prague (2003)
- Assistant professor at the IPNP CU (since August 2024); Habilitation thesis at the Charles University, Prague (2024)
- Academic researcher at the IPNP CU (since September 2013)
- (Postdoctoral) research fellowship at Excellence Cluster Universe, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (Jul. 2010 – Sep. 2013)
- During PhD. studies a researcher at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (IPNP) at Charles University (CU) (Sep. 2003 – Jun. 2010)
Research Interests:
Experimental particle physics, ATLAS experiment at the LHC, CERN
- Physics of b-hadrons: CP violation, rare decays, search for beyond Standard Model effects
- Tests of semiconductor tracking detectors for the high-energy physics experiments
ORCID (0000-0003-4017-9829) / SCOPUS (57403002800) / ResearcherID-WebOfScience (C-1989-2017) / InspireHEP (BAI: P.Reznicek.1, INSPIRE-00222462)