
ROOT ( on Windows 10 and 11:

  • Tested working combination(s):
  • ROOT installation: Download *.zip archive of ROOT analysis framework from and unzip it into directory not-containing spaces nor diacritics (important!), e.g. c:\root
  • MS Visual Studio C++ (or BuildTools) installation: default selection of components for C++ development; (5-7) GB of free space needed
    • For untested ROOT versions: search for specific MSVSC++ BuildTools here for vc17 and for vc16 and match them with the MSVSC++ version in file C:\root\include\compiledata.h
  • Python installation: custom install, allow Python to appear in the PATH and allow for extended PATH length, both options are suggested by the custom installator
    • For untested ROOT versions: used Python version can be found in C:\root\bin\root-config
  • Running (Py)ROOT: from x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022(resp. for older 32bit: x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019) command line (search for that in the Start menu), use this sequence:
    • cd c:\root
    • bin\thisroot.bat
    • cd ….myworkdir…. (the path to the working directory must not contain spaces nor diacritics!)
    • ROOT: root
    • PyROOT: python -i to start interactive python session, then from ROOT import * or similar
      • bug: TCanvas is very slow for interactive work (key/mouse)
    • (using the native tools prompt will allow also for the compilation of the macros on the ROOT command line)

MFF cluster HPC Chiméra:

Computing server IPNP30:

Linux packages:

Repository of debian packages includes mostly software for high-energy physics, administration and photography.

Debian distributions included:

  • mainly for debian trixie (testing),
  • but including also bookworm (stable), bullseye (oldstable) and buster (oldoldstable)
  • and ubuntu bionic, resp. mint tricia,
  • as well as few experimental packages
Types: deb deb-src
Suites: buster bullseye bookworm trixie sid experimental
Components: non-free
Architectures: amd64 i386
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/ipnp.reznicek.key

# Equivalent old style lines:
#deb trixie non-free
#deb-src trixie non-free

The repository, including the signing key, can be browsed at In order to allow APT https connection the certificates need to be trusted by your system. To do so install the ca-certificate-ipnp package manually first.

List of packages:

acpid-user : A user-level ACPI daemon
acroread-plugin-fileopen : Acroread FileOpen plugin
alibava : A Portable Readout System for Microstrip Silicon Sensors (ALIBAVA)
alibava-firmware : Firmware for Alibava readout system
allpix2 : Generic Pixel Detector Simulation Framework Allpix2
ancis : Script to download non-free source code and create .debs
any2dvd : Transcode multimedia into DVD format
ariadne4-dev : [Physics] Ariadne QCD cascade Monte Carlo library (static version)
ariadne4-doc : [Physics] Documentation for the Ariadne QCD cascade Monte Carlo
ariadne4-pythia5-dev : [Physics] Ariadne QCD Monte Carlo library (uses Pythia 5 / Jetset)
ariadne4-pythia5-test : [Physics] Test programs for Ariadne QCD lib (Pythia 5 interface)
ariadne4-test : [Physics] Test programs for the Ariadne QCD Monte Carlo library
atlantis : Event display for ATLAS experiment
audio-convert : Script that converts between various audio formats
bat : A cat(1) clone with wings.
bat-toolkit : Bayesian Analysis Toolkit
blue-dev : BLUE tool for statistical combination of correlated estimates
ca-certificate-ipnp : Certificate for IPNP APT repository to work
cairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in : Alsamixer plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in : Animated icons plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in : Cairo-Penguin plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-clipper-plug-in : Clipper plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-clock-plug-in : Clock plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-core : Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock for Linux desktop
cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in : Dbus plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-mono : library of D-Bus interface for mono of Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-python : library of D-Bus interface for Python of Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-ruby : library of D-Bus interface for ruby of Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-vala : library of D-Bus interface for vala of Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in : Desklet rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dev : Cairo-dock development file
cairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in : Dialog rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in : Dnd2share plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in : Drop indicator plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in : Dustbin plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-folders-plug-in : Folders plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in : GMenu plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in : GNOME integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in : Icon effect plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-illusion-plug-in : Illusion plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in : Implus plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-kde-integration-plug-in : KDE integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in : Keyboard indicator plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-logout-plug-in : Logout plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-mail-plug-in : Mail plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in : Messaging menu plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock : Metapackage for cairo-dock
cairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in : Motion blur plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in : Music player plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in : Netspeed plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-plug-in-data : Cairo-dock – Plug-in data files
cairo-dock-plug-ins : Cairo-dock – All plug-ins
cairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in : Powermanager plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in : Quick browser plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in : Recent events plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in : Remote control plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-rendering-plug-in : Rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in : RSS Reader plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in : Shortcuts plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in : Show desktop plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in : Showmouse plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-slider-plug-in : Slider plug-in Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-stack-plug-in : Stack plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-switcher-plug-in : Switcher plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in : System Monitor plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-systray-plug-in : Systray plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-terminal-plug-in : Terminal plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in : Tomboy plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-toons-plug-in : Toons plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-weather-plug-in : Weather plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-wifi-plug-in : Wifi plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-xfce-integration-plug-in : Xfce integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
cairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in : Xgamma plug-in for Cairo-dock
clhep-doc : Documentation of CLHEP
cnrdrvcups-ufr2-uk : Canon UFR2 Printer Driver for Linux
color-correct-tiff : Correct colour and brightness differences between overlapping images
cque-en : CQue – Driver for Canon iR, CLC, LPB and MF laser devices (English).
crk : Hidden processes detector
cuba-partview : partition viewer for the Cuba library
cvmfs-config-kek : Configuration files and public keys for a domain of / CernVM File System (CVMFS)
dawn : Drawer for Academic WritiNgs
dbgl : An open-source, free, multi-platform frontend for DOSBox
delphes : Framework for fast simulation of a generic HEP collider experiment
dropbox : cloud synchronization engine – CLI and Nautilus extension
dropbox-dist : Dropbox daemon
eaglemode : Zoomable user interface with plugin applications
epson-pc-fax : Epson Laser Printer Driver (ESC/Page) for Linux
epson-printer-utility : Epson Printer Utility for Linux
epsonscan2-non-free-plugin : This is scanner driver non free plugins.
epsonscan2 : This is scanner driver.
evtgen-dev : Monte Carlo simulation of particle decays
fahclient : Folding@home Console Client
fahcontrol : Folding@home Client Control
fahviewer : Folding@home 3D Simulation Viewer
fastjet-contrib : 3rd party extensions of FastJet
fastjet-doc : Documentation of FastJet
fastjet-examples : Example source files of FastJet
fbc : Freebasic
fbc : FreeBasic compiler
fcc : Script to compile C/C++ programs and link to Fortran libraries
fd : Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
fonts-cimrman : TrueType Cimrman fonts
fonts-terminus : TrueType version of bitmapped font Terminus
freewrl4 : X3D/VRML browser
freewrl : X3D/VRML browser
fritiof7-dev : [Physics] Fritiof library (static) from the Lund Monte Carlo
fritiof7-doc : [Physics] Documentation for Fritiof Monte Carlo library
gcc-10-base : GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
gccxml : XML output extension to GCC
geant4-debian : Debian scripts for toolkit for simulation of particle/nuclear physics in detectors
geant4-source : Source of toolkit for simulation of particle/nuclear physics in detectors
geant4 : Toolkit for simulation of particle/nuclear physics in detectors
gimp-plugin-panotools : Panotools plugin for GIMP
gir1.2-arrow-1.0 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
gir1.2-gandiva-1.0 : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
gir1.2-libxfce4panel-2.0 : Xfce4 panel library (introspection data)
gir1.2-parquet-1.0 : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
gir1.2-plasma-1.0 : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
gkrellm2-theme-abtoenalloy-green : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-coplandos : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-cronos : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-get-e-blue : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-gorilla : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-invisible : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-matrix-green : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-milk : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
gkrellm2-theme-prime23 : This is a skin for gkrellm, a nice look for give it to your gkrellm
google-earth-old-6.2 : Explore, search and discover the planet
grub2-fonts-terminus-unicode : Terminus fonts for use with Grub2
hepmc3-doc : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators (docs)
hepmc-examples : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – example files
hepmc-reference-manual : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – reference manual
hepmc-user-manual : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – user manual
hep-pdt : Particle data table classes
herwig++-data : Herwig++ Data
herwig++-dev : Herwig++ development files
herwig++ : Multi-purpose event generator for high energy physics
icons-exquisite : icons of exquisite for elive environments
icons-sci : Few icons
idle-python3.8 : IDE for Python (v3.8) using Tkinter
iscan-data : Image Scan! for Linux data files
iscan-network-nt : Image Scan! Network Plugin
iscan : simple, easy to use scanner utility for EPSON scanners
jas3 : Flexible, extendable, experiment-independent interactive data analysis framework
jas3-plugins : Plugins for JAS3
jaxodraw : Java program for drawing Feynman diagrams
jetset74-dev : [Physics] Jetset library (static) from the Lund Monte Carlo
journal2ebook : GUI for e-readers converter k2pdfopt
ktjet : A C++ implementation of the KT jet algorithm – developement files
ktjet-dev : A C++ implementation of the KT jet algorithm
lepto6-dev : [Physics] Lund’s lepton-nucleon scattering Monte Carlo (static)
lepto6-doc : [Physics] Documentation for Lepto Monte Carlo library
lhapdf-ccwrap-doc : C++ Bindings for LHAPDF – documentation
lhapdf-pdfsets-minimal : Minimal PDF Sets of LHAPDF
libariadne4gf : [Physics] Ariadne QCD cascade Monte Carlo library
libariadne4-pythia5gf : [Physics] Ariadne QCD Monte Carlo library (uses Pythia 5 / Jetset)
libarrow13 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow300 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow800 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-dev : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-glib13 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-glib300 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-glib800 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-glib-dev : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-glib-doc : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-python13 : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libarrow-python-dev : Apache Arrow is a data processing library for analysis
libblue-dev : BLUE tool for statistical combination of correlated estimates
libclhep2.4v5 : CLHEP: A Class Library for High Energy Physics
libclhep-dev : CLHEP: A Class Library for High Energy Physics – development
libcuba4-dbg : library for multidimensional numerical integration: debug symbols
libcuba4-dev : library for multidimensional numerical integration: development files
libcuba4 : library for multidimensional numerical integration
libcuba-doc : library for multidimensional numerical integration: documentation
libdpm1 : Disk Pool Manager (DPM) libraries
libdpm-dev : DPM development libraries and header files
libembree3-3 : High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels – runtime
libembree-dev : High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels – development
libevtgen-dev : Monte Carlo simulation of particle decays
libfastjet0v5 : Fast C++ code for the kt and other jet algorithms
libfastjet-dev : Development files of FastJet
libfastjet-fortran0 : Fortran bindings of FastJet
libfastjet-fortran-dev : Fortran bindings of FastJet – development files
libfastjetplugins0 : FastJet plugins
libfastjetplugins-dev : FastJet plugins – development files
libfastjettools0 : Tools for FastJet
libfastjettools-dev : Tools for FastJet – development files
libfaudio0 : FAudio library
libfaudio0 : XAudio sound processing reimplementation – library
libfritiof7gf : [Physics] Fritiof library from the Lund Monte Carlo
libgandiva13 : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
libgandiva-dev : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
libgandiva-glib13 : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
libgandiva-glib-dev : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
libgandiva-glib-doc : Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions
libgcc-s1 : GCC support library
libhepmc3-dev : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – development files
libhepmc3 : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
libhepmc3-interfaces-dev : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – development files for interfaces to other MC generators and tools
libhepmc3-interfaces : Monte Carlo event record FIO library – interfaces to other MC generators and tools
libhepmc3-search-dev : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – development files for search engine
libhepmc3-search : Monte Carlo event record FIO library – search engine
libhepmc4 : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
libhepmc-dev : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators – development files
libhepmcfio4 : Monte Carlo event record FIO library
libhepmcfio-dev : Monte Carlo event record FIO library – development files
libhepmcinterface8-dev : HepMC interface for PYTHIA8 – development files (obsolete)
libhepmcinterface8 : HepMC interface for PYTHIA8 (obsolete)
libjetset74gf : [Physics] Jetset library from the Lund Monte Carlo
liblcgdm1 : LHC Computing Grid Data Management common libraries
liblcgdm-dev : LCG Data Management common development files
liblepto6gf : [Physics] Lund’s lepton-nucleon scattering Monte Carlo generator
liblhapdf0v5 : [Physics] Les Houches Accord PDF Interface
liblhapdf-dev : [Physics] Les Houches Accord PDF Interface – development files
libmozjs185-1.0 : SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine
libmozjs185-dev : SpiderMonkey JavaScript library – development headers
libmysqlclient20 : MySQL database client library
libmysqlclient21 : MySQL database client library
libmysqlclient-dev : MySQL database development files
libooptools-dev : Development files of LoopTools
libparquet13 : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
libparquet-dev : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
libparquet-glib13 : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
libparquet-glib-dev : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
libparquet-glib-doc : Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
libphotos-dev : Monte Carlo simulation for QED radiative corrections
libplasma13 : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
libplasma-dev : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
libplasma-glib13 : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
libplasma-glib-dev : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
libplasma-glib-doc : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
libpythia5gf : [Physics] Pythia library (obsolete) from the Lund Monte Carlo
libpythia6gf : [Physics] Pythia library from the Lund Monte Carlo
libpythia8-dev : PYTHIA event generator of high energy physics – development files
libpythia8v5 : PYTHIA event generator of high energy physics
libpython3.8-dbg : Debug Build of the Python Interpreter (version 3.8)
libpython3.8-dev : Header files and a static library for Python (v3.8)
libpython3.8-minimal : Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.8)
libpython3.8 : Shared Python runtime library (version 3.8)
libpython3.8-stdlib : Interactive high-level object-oriented language (standard library, version 3.8)
libpython3.8-testsuite : Testsuite for the Python standard library (v3.8)
libqt4-dbus : Qt 4 D-Bus module
libqt4-declarative-folderlistmodel : Qt 4 folderlistmodel QML plugin
libqt4-declarative-gestures : Qt 4 gestures QML plugin
libqt4-declarative-particles : Qt 4 particles QML plugin
libqt4-declarative : Qt 4 Declarative module
libqt4-declarative-shaders : Qt 4 shaders QML plugin
libqt4-designer : Qt 4 designer module
libqt4-dev-bin : Qt 4 development programs
libqt4-dev : Qt 4 development files
libqt4-help : Qt 4 help module
libqt4-network : Qt 4 network module
libqt4-opengl-dev : Qt 4 OpenGL library development files
libqt4-opengl : Qt 4 OpenGL module
libqt4-phonon : Qt 4 Phonon module
libqt4-qt3support : Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4
libqt4-script : Qt 4 script module
libqt4-scripttools : Qt 4 script tools module
libqt4-sql-ibase : Qt 4 InterBase/FireBird database driver
libqt4-sql-mysql : Qt 4 MySQL database driver
libqt4-sql-odbc : Qt 4 ODBC database driver
libqt4-sql-psql : Qt 4 PostgreSQL database driver
libqt4-sql : Qt 4 SQL module
libqt4-sql-sqlite2 : Qt 4 SQLite 2 database driver
libqt4-sql-sqlite : Qt 4 SQLite 3 database driver
libqt4-sql-tds : Qt 4 FreeTDS database driver
libqt4-svg : Qt 4 SVG module
libqt4-test : Qt 4 test module
libqt4-xmlpatterns : Qt 4 XML patterns module
libqt4-xml : Qt 4 XML module
libqtcore4 : Qt 4 core module
libqtdbus4 : Qt 4 D-Bus module library
libqtgui4 : Qt 4 GUI module
libre2-5 : efficient, principled regular expression library
librivet11v5 : Run-time library of Rivet
librivet-dev : Development files of Rivet
libsiscone0v5 : Seedless Infrared Safe Cone jet finder
libsiscone-dev : Seedless Infrared Safe Cone jet finder – development files
libsiscone-spherical0v5 : Spherical version of SISCone
libsiscone-spherical-dev : Spherical version of SISCone – development files
libtauola-dev : Monte Carlo simulation of tau decays and production
libthepeg15 : Run-time library of ThePEG
libthepeg-dev : Development library of ThePEG
libvdt-dev : Vectorized math: the vdt mathematical library
libveccore-dev : SIMD abstraction library for vector operations on data
libvecgeom-dev : geometry library for particle-detector simulation – headers
libvecgeom-dev : The vectorized geometry library for particle-detector simulation (toolkits).
libvgdml-dev : GDML interoperability library for VecGeom – headers
libvgm-dev : Virtual Geometry Model for ROOT
libvmc-dev : Virtual Monte Carlo for ROOT
libxfce4panel-2.0-4 : Xfce4 panel library (GTK3 variant)
libxfce4panel-2.0-dev : Xfce4 panel library (development files for GTK3 variant)
libxrdapputils2 : Utilities library for xrootd applications
libxrdcephposix0 : Ceph posix library for xrootd
libxrdcl3 : Client library for xrootd
libxrdcrypto2 : Cryptograpic library for xrootd
libxrdcryptolite2 : Light version of cryptograpic library for xrootd
libxrdffs3 : File protocol library for xrootd
libxrdhttputils2 : HTTP protocol utilities library for xrootd
libxrdposix3 : Posix interface library for xrootd
libxrdserver3 : Server library for xrootd
libxrdssilib2 : Server internals library for xrootd
libxrdssishmap2 : Server internals library for xrootd
libxrdutils3 : Utilities library for xrootd
libxrdxml3 : XML library for xrootd
libxrootd-client-dev : Development files for xrootd clients
libxrootd-dev : Development files for xrootd
libxrootd-private-dev : Private xrootd headers
libxrootd-server-dev : Development files for xrootd servers
libyaml-cpp0.5v5 : YAML parser and emitter for C++
libz3-4 : theorem prover from Microsoft Research – runtime libraries
libz3-dev : theorem prover from Microsoft Research – development files
libz3-java : theorem prover from Microsoft Research – java bindings
libz3-jni : theorem prover from Microsoft Research – JNI library
light : Control display backlight controllers and LEDs
looptools : Integral Evaluator of One-loop Feynman Diagram
mc-tester : A tool for comparisons of MC predictions in High Energy Physics
menumaker : Python heuristics-driven menu generator
metapackage-appearance : Recommended list of fonts, themes, icons, sounds and cursors
metapackage-archive-utils : Recommended list of zipping utilities
metapackage-cd-dvd-tools : Recommended list of utilities for using using/burning CD/DVDs
metapackage-communication : Recommended list of utilities for audio/video conferencing
metapackage-conversion-utils : Recommended list of format conversion utilities
metapackage-development-parallel : Recommended list of development tools
metapackage-development : Recommended list of development tools
metapackage-diff-tools : Recommended list of diff-utilities
metapackage-ebook : Recommended list of applications for EBooks
metapackage-electronics : Recommended list tools for electronic
metapackage-emulators : Recommended list of emulators
metapackage-filesystem-utils : Recommended list of utilities for using various filesystems
metapackage-full-acroread-bullseye : Recommended list of plugins for Adobe Acrobat Reader
metapackage-full-acroread-buster : Recommended list of plugins for Adobe Acrobat Reader
metapackage-full-audacious : Recommended audacious plugins
metapackage-full-bluetooth : Recommended list of bluetooth utilities
metapackage-full-firefox : Recommended list of firefox extensions
metapackage-full-gimp : Recommended list of Gimp plugins
metapackage-full-gkrellm : Recommended list of GKrellM plugins
metapackage-full-icewm : Recommended list for IceWM desktop
metapackage-full-krusader : Recommended list of plugins for Krusader
metapackage-full-latex : Recommended list of packages for latex
metapackage-full-libreoffice : Recommended list of LibreOffice applications
metapackage-full-mc : Recommended list of plugins for Midnight Commander
metapackage-full-ocrfeeder : Recommended list of OCR backends for the OCRFeeder
metapackage-full-okular : Recommended list of plugins for Okular
metapackage-full-videoplayer : Recommended Mplayer and VLC installation
metapackage-full-vim : Recommended list of plugins for Vim
metapackage-full-xfce : Recommended list for Xfce desktop
metapackage-full-xscreensaver : Recommended list of plugins for XScreenSaver
metapackage-ipnp-live-monitor : Recommended list of packages for the live monitor PC at IPNP
metapackage-ipnp-praktikum : Recommended list of packages for the praktikum and student PC at IPNP
metapackage-ipnp-server : Recommended list of packages for the computing server at IPNP
metapackage-kernel-drivers : Recommended list of HW tools and drivers
metapackage-languages : Recommended list of dictionaries, localizations, thesaurus etc.
metapackage-maps : Recommended list tools for maps and PGS
metapackage-math : Recommended list tools for math tasks
metapackage-mint-nettopmsi : Recommended list of packages and desktop files for my Linux Mint
metapackage-multimedia-codecs : Recommended list of multimedia codecs
metapackage-networking : Recommended list of packages for networking
metapackage-packages : Recommended list of debian packaging tools
metapackage-panorama-tools : Recommended list of panorama tools
metapackage-pdf-tools : Recommended list of tools to manimulate PDF files
metapackage-prevent-recommendations-bookworm : Blocked recommended packages
metapackage-prevent-recommendations-bullseye : Blocked recommended packages
metapackage-prevent-recommendations-buster : Blocked recommended packages
metapackage-printing-3d : Recommended list of packages for 3D printing
metapackage-printing : Recommended list of packages for printing
metapackage-pyhep : Recommended list python tools for high energy physics analyses
metapackage-security : Recommended list of system tools
metapackage-shells : Recommended list of shells
metapackage-system : Recommended list of system tools
metapackage-xorg-drivers : Recommended list of drivers for Xorg
mint-theme-y-darker-teal-nucondensed : Modified Mint-Y-Darker-Teal theme
mint-x-icons-extended : Mint-X icon theme (extended links)
montecarlo-installer-data : Package installation data for non-free Monte Carlo libraries
multinest : Bayesian inference tool
nconvert : Nconvert is the multi-format image converter
net.downloadhelper.coapp : Video DownloadHelper companion app
octave-lhapdf : Octave Bindings for LHAPDF
oracle-instantclient19.3-basic : Oracle Instant Client Basic package
oracle-instantclient19.3-devel : Development header files for Oracle Instant Client.
oracle-instantclient-basic : Oracle Instant Client Basic package
oracle-instantclient-devel : Development header files for Oracle Instant Client.
panoglview : OpenGL Panorama Images Viewer
pdfbooklet : A simple application for creating booklets and other layouts from PDF files
pdfedit : Editor for manipulating PDF documents
pdftk-change-watermark : Watermark removal/replacement from PDFs
photivo : Photivo is a RAW file processor
photos-dev : Monte Carlo simulation for QED radiative corrections
plasma-store-server : Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data.
pmount : mount removable devices as normal user
popout3d : Creates 3D images from photographs taken with an ordinary camera.
promc : ProMC I/O library for MC events
pythia5-dev : [Physics] Pythia library (obsolete version, statically compiled)
pythia5-doc : [Physics] Documentation for obsolete Pythia and Jetset libraries
pythia6-dev : [Physics] Pythia library (static) from the Lund Monte Carlo
pythia6-doc : [Physics] Documentation for Pythia Monte Carlo library
pythia8-data : PYTHIA8 data files
pythia8-doc-html : HTML Documentation of PYTHIA8
pythia8-doc-intro : Introduction Documentation of PYTHIA8
pythia8-doc-worksheet : Worksheet Documentation of PYTHIA8
pythia8-examples : Example source files of PYTHIA8
pythia8-root-interface : Interfaces to call ROOT functions in PYTHIA8 code
python2-hepmc3 : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators (docs)
python3.8-dbg : Debug Build of the Python Interpreter (version 3.8)
python3.8-dev : Header files and a static library for Python (v3.8)
python3.8-doc : Documentation for the high-level object-oriented language Python (v3.8)
python3.8-examples : Examples for the Python language (v3.8)
python3.8 : Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.8)
python3.8-minimal : Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.8)
python3.8-venv : Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version 3.8)
python3-awkward : Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms
python3-decaylanguage : Describe, manipulate and convert particle decays
python3-fastjet : Python interface for FastJet
python3-hepmc3 : Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators (docs)
python3-hepunits : Units and constants in the HEP system of units
python3-hist : Front-end for boost-histogram
python3-iminuit : Jupyter-friendly Python interface for C++ MINUIT2
python3-lhapdf : Python Bindings for LHAPDF
python3-particle : PDG particle data and identification codes
python3-pypdt : Python reader of Particle Data Group data
python3-pythia8 : Python3 interface for PYTHIA8
python3-rivet : Python bindings of Rivet
python3-uproot4 : Python reader and a writer of the ROOT file format
python3-uproot-browser : Browser of ROOT files
python3-vector : Arrays of 2D, 3D, and Lorentz vectors
python3-xrootd : Python 3 bindings for xrootd
python3-z3 : theorem prover from Microsoft Research – Python 3 bindings
python-fastjet : Python interface for FastJet
python-lhapdf : Python Bindings for LHAPDF
python-numpy : Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language
python-pil : Python Imaging Library (Pillow fork)
python-pythia8 : Python interface for PYTHIA8
python-rivet : Python bindings of Rivet
qb64 : Quick Basic
qb64 : Quick Basic Programming Language
qdbus : Qt 4 D-Bus tool
qemu-launcher : GTK+ front-end to QEMU computer emulator
qt4-default : Qt 4 development defaults package
qt4-demos : Qt 4 examples and demos
qt4-designer : graphical designer for Qt 4 applications
qt4-dev-tools : Qt 4 development tools
qt4-doc-html : Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format)
qt4-doc : Qt 4 API documentation
qt4-linguist-tools : Qt 4 Linguist tools
qt4-qmake : Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool
qt4-qmlviewer : Qt 4 QML viewer
qt4-qtconfig : Qt 4 configuration tool
qtcore4-l10n : Qt 4 core module translations
realplay : plays mp3, rm, ra, rv, wma, wmv, ogg, aac, and more.
rivet-plugins : Analysis plugins of Rivet
rivet-plugins-data : Data files of Rivet analysis plugins
rivet-plugins-dev : Template generator of Rivet analysis plugin
rivet-plugins-doc : HTML documentation for Rivet analysis plugins
rivet-reference : Rivet code reference
rivet : Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory
rivet-user-manual : Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory – User Manual
root-macro-fastjet : FastJet macro for CERN ROOT
root-system5.34.39 : ROOT – object oriented data analysis system
root-system5-dev : Devel libs for root-system
root-system6.16.00-celeron : ROOT – object oriented data analysis system
root-system6.16.00 : ROOT – object oriented data analysis system
root-system6.22.06 : ROOT – object oriented data analysis system
root-system6.26.04 : ROOT – object oriented data analysis system
root-system6-dev : Devel libs for root-system
root-system-g3root-vmc : ROOT plugin for Geant3
root-system-g4root-vmc : ROOT plugin for Geant4
root-system : Metapackage for current ROOT version
root-system-roo2h : Utility to convert TH1F, TH2F, TProfile to 1D,2D and Profile HBOOK histograms
rstudio : RStudio
ryml : Rapid YAML parsing and emitting
science-highenergy-physics : Debian Science High Energy Physics packages
science-highenergy-physics-dev : Debian Science High Energy Physics development packages
siscone-doc-html : Developer’s reference manual of SISCone (HTML)
siscone-doc-pdf : Developer’s reference manual of SISCone (PDF)
siscone-examples : Seedless Infrared Safe Cone jet finder – example files
skdet : RootKits detection program
skype : Wherever you are, wherever they are
somescripts-ipnp : Some scripts and config files devoted for IPNP computers
somescripts : Some “usefull” scripts
tauola-dev : Monte Carlo simulation of tau decays and production
texlive-full : TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live
thepeg-gui : Java GUI of ThePEG
thepeg-reference : Code reference of ThePEG
thepeg : Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
thrash-protect : Simple-Stupid user-space program protecting a linux host from thrashing
tiddlydesktop : Web browser for TiddlyWikis
timemory : Cross-language pseudo-profiling reporting timing and resident set size memory
u2ps : Unicode text to postscript convertor
ucjf-date : Arranges daily restart of the ntpdate service
ucjf-security : Set of scripts to set IP-tables rules and to check the system
unfig : Extract eps and ps figures from ps documents produced with lateX.
unison2.27.57 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.27.57-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison2.32.52 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.32.52-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison2.40.102 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.40.102-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison2.40.65 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.40.65-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison2.48.3.stretch : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.48.3.stretch-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison2.48.4.buster : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison2.48.4.buster-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison-2.48 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.48-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface
unison-2.51.5+4.12.0 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.51.5+4.12.0-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.52.1+4.14.0 : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-2.52.1+4.14.0-gtk : file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
unison-all : file synchronization tool (all console versions)
unison-all-gtk : file synchronization tool (all GTK+ versions)
vc-dev : C++ types for explicitly data-parallel programming
vc-dev : Library to ease explicit vectorization of C++ code
vdt-dev : Vectorized math: the vdt mathematical library
veccore-dev : simple abstraction layer on top of other vectorization libraries
vecgeom-dev : geometry library for particle-detector simulation – development files
verapdf : PDF/A validator veraPDF
vgm-dev : Virtual Geometry Model for ROOT
vidyodesktop : Vidyo Desktop Client
view3dscene : VRML / X3D browser, and a viewer for other 3D model formats
vmc-dev : Virtual Monte Carlo for ROOT
wine-compatibility-layers : Microsoft Windows compatibility layers for Wine
wine-gecko2.47.3 : Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (embedded web browser)
wine-mono7.3.0 : Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (.NET compatibility)
wine-ytd-lite : Windows program for youtube-like video download
xfce4-composite-editor : Advanced composite settings editor for Xfce4
xfce4-panel : panel for Xfce4 desktop environment
xfonts-terminus-dos : Fixed-width fonts for DOS encodings
xfonts-terminus : Fixed-width fonts for fast reading
xfonts-terminus-oblique : Oblique version of the Terminus font
xnconvert : XnConvert convert, resize, add effects on image files.
xnview : Graphic viewer, browser, converter.
xournalpp : Xournal++ – Open source hand note-taking program
xrootd-ceph-plugins : XRootD plugin for interfacing with the Ceph storage platform
xrootd-client-http-plugins : HTTP client plugin for XRootD client
xrootd-client-plugins : Plugins used by xrootd clients
xrootd-client : Xrootd command line client tools
xrootd-fuse : Xrootd FUSE tool
xrootd-plugins : Plugins used by xrootd servers and clients
xrootd-scitokens-plugins : SciTokens authorization support for XRootD
xrootd-server-plugins : Plugins used by xrootd servers
xrootd-voms-plugins : VOMS attribute extractor plugin for XRootD
xrootd : XRootD framework for access to data repositories
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev : Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server (development headers)
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics : Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
yoda : Yet more Objects for Data Analysis
z3 : theorem prover from Microsoft Research
zoom : Zoom Cloud Meetings