- ICHEP 2022: ATLAS measurements of CP-violation and rare decay processes with beauty mesons, Bologna, Italy, 6-13 July 2022, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- CKM 2021: Rare B Decays at ATLAS and CMS, Online, hosted by University of Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 November 2021, on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations
- Pheno 2021: ATLAS measurements of CP violation and rare decay processes with beauty mesons, Online, hosted by University of Pittsburgh, USA, 24-26 May 2021, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- Beauty 2020: ATLAS: Flavor Highlights and Prospects, Online, hosted by Kavli IMPU, Kashiwa, Japan, 21-24 September 2020, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- CKM 2018: Measurement of CPV phase φs and ΔΓs at ATLAS, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 17-21 September 2018, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- Beauty 2018: Recent ATLAS results in charmonium production, Isola d’Elba, Italy, 6-11 May 2018, Proceedings: [Pos (BEAUTY2018) 015], on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- QCD 2017: Production and properties of b-hadrons with the ATLAS detector, Montpellier, France, 3-7 July 2017, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- CKM 2016: Latest ATLAS results on φs, TIFR, Mumbai, India, 28 November – 2 December 2016, Proceedings: [Pos (CKM2016) 083], on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- LaThuile 2016: B-physics measurements at ATLAS (recent results), La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, 6-12 March 2016, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- HQL 2014: Studies of the Bc meson with ATLAS and recent spectroscopy results from CMS, Waldthausen Castle, Mainz, Germany, 25-29 August 2014, on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations
- Beauty 2014: The B-physics programme of ATLAS in LHC Run-II and in HL-LHC, University of Edinburgh, Great Britain, 14-18 July 2014, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- HCP 2012: Production of B (ATLAS+CMS+Tevatron), Kyoto, Japan, 12-16 November 2012, on behalf of the ATLAS, CMS, CDF and D0 collaborations
- HQL 2008: Lepton Flavour Violation and Bs leptonic final states at the LHC, University of Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 June 2008, Proceedings: [arXiv:0905.1613], on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations
- CHEP 2007: Physics analysis tools for beauty physics in ATLAS, Victoria, Canada, 2-9 September 2007, Proceedings: [JPC 119 (2008) 032003], on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- BEACH 2006: LHC – very rare B-decays program, Lancaster University, Great Britain, 2-8 July 2006, Proceedings: [Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 167 (2007) 188-191], on behalf of the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations
- CKM 2005: Experimental Feasibility in di-muon rare B-decays (b→sll and B→ll) in ATLAS detector, San Diego, California, USA, 15-18 March 2005, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
Talks at workshops:
- CZ+SK HEP 2024 Workshop: Bump hunting in 4-muons in B-physics at ATLAS, Joint Laboratory of Optics, Olomouc, CZ, 22-23 May 2024
- LHC Heavy Flavour WG topical meeing on b->sll: Angular Analysis of B0 -> K*mumu at ATLAS, CERN, Switzerland, 14 May 2024, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- IPNP away camp 2024: Test of Standard Model Predictions in b-hadron decays, Hejnice, CZ, 25-28 Apr 2024
- at the ATLAS experiment,
- 7th LHC Effective Field Theory WG Meeting: B-Physics EFT in ATLAS, CERN, Switzerland, 23-24 April 2024, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration
- UNCE Seminar 2024: B-physics trigger at the ATLAS experiment, Trója, MFF, Prague, 5 January 2024
- ATLAS CZ-SK Workshop 2019, Bphys Upgrade
- ATLAS CZ-SK Workshop 2018, BdKstarMuMu a BsJpsiPhi
- BsMuMu Workshop 2017
- ECFA Workshop 2017, Bphys
- ATLAS CZ-SK Workshop 2017, BdKstarMuMu
- ECFA Workshop 2016, Bphys
- ATLAS Week Jun 2016, Bphys
- LHC Heavy Flavour Workshop 2015, Bdecays
- ATLAS CZ-SK Workshop 2015, Bphys
- ATLAS Week Jun 2014, BphysATLAS-D Workshop 2013, BsJpsiPhi
- ATLAS Week Feb 2012, BsJpsiPhi
- ATLAS-D Workshop 2011, BsBdLifetime
- EvtGen Workshop 2010
- ATLAS-D Workshop 2010, BdJpsiKstar
- ATLAS+CMS+LHCb Workshop 2009, rare decays
- EvtGen Workshop 2009
- ATLAS Trigger Workshop 2009
- ATLAS Week Oct 2008, Bphys at 1fb
- ATLAS CZ-SK Workshop 2008, Lb2Lll
- Flavour in the LHC era 2006, Lb2Lll
- ATLAS Physics Workshop 2006, Roma, Lb2Lll
Talks at local seminars:
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2022, Bphys
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2021, Rare Decays
- IPNP Seminar Apr 2021, BsJpsiPhi
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2020, BsJpsiPhi
- IPNP Seminar Nov 2019, Bphys
- CERN Seminar Jun 2019, BsJpsiPhi
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2018, Bphys HL-LHC
- UNCE Seminar Apr 2018, BdKstarMuMu, BsJpsiPhi
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2017, BdKstarMuMu
- UNCE Seminar Dec 2016, BsJpsiPhi
- UNCE Seminar May 2016, Bphys Run2
- UNCE Seminar May/Jun 2015, NP in Bphys (PrUK)
- IPNP Seminar 2015, Bphys
- FzÚ Seminar 2013, BphysETP Seminar 2011, Bphys
- MPP Seminar 2013, Bphys
- IPNP Seminar 2012, BsBd
- FzÚ Seminar 2010, BtrigMonitoring
- IPNP Seminar 2008, Lb2Lll
- FzÚ Seminar 2008, BmumuX
- Seminar at CVUT 2008: rare b-decays
- IPNP Seminar 2007, Lb2Lll (Mala Skala)
- IPNP Seminar 2006, PhD
- RTN 2006, Lb2Lll
- FzÚ Seminar 2005, Athena
- FzÚ Seminar 2005, Lb2Lll
- Dresden 2005: Lb2Lll
- RTN 2004, LbPolar
- IPNP Seminar 2004, ICFA
- WDS 2004, Lb
- RTN 2003, SCT
- FzÚ Seminar 2003, Athena
- IPNP Seminar 2003, SCT
- CERN SCT Meeting 2001, Laser
ATLAS Experiment Glance database link to the list of talks.
- Time-dependent angular analysis of the decay Bs→J/ψφ by ATLAS, Science week @ Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich, Germany, Dec 2012
- ICFA 2003, Silicon microstrip sensors at ATLAS Inner Detector, Itacuruca, Brazil, Dec 2003