Teaching Lectures / exercises: Introduction to Linux (NOFY077), shared with s P. Huszár, teaching since 2019/20 2024/25 winter term: running also online via ZOOM, corresponding video records stored at su.mff.cuni.cz Software and Data Processing in Particle Physics I (NJSF081), teaching since 2019/20 2024/25 winter term: slides of the lectures up to now, including homework data files for the homework can be downloaded here Complete new english slides (work in progress) including Python Complete old czech slides from homepage of T. Davídek (original lecturer) Software and Data Processing in Particle Physics II (NJSF082), teaching (partially) since 2023/24 Only lectures on Pythia particle generator and Geant simulation framework 2023/24 summer term: slides with exercises and homeworks (by T. Davídek) Elementary Particle Physics (NJSF105), exercises for a lecture of T. Davídek / R. Leitner, taught in 2021/22, and then since 2023/24 Practical Course in Physics IV for General Physics majors (NOFY030), taught in 2003/04 – 2009/10 and 2014/15 – 2020/21 Maintaining exercise A1 Maintaining and marking exercise A6 Experimental Methods of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (NJSF103), exercises for a lecture of Z. Doležal / V. Vorobel, taught since 2016/17 till 2021/22